When one is looking for a television, he will surely encounter the two contending televisions, the plasma and LCD TV. Necessarily, in order to come up with a proper decision, both types of televisions must be compared. Their brands like Samsung, Philips, Panasonic, LG and Sharp shall first be disregarded. These two contending televisions are similar in some ways. One is that they both have super color-filled pictures and they both provide bright crystal-clear images. Another would be they both come in alike packages that is, both their flat screen casing measures 3.50 inches in depth. What really are the issues between the two? The two primary considerations, which are quickly turning out to be a non-issue, are the TV's price and size. If you will notice, LCD TVs are now manufactured in bigger sizes which is priced a bit the same as plasma TVs.
Although both TV technologies are alike in so many ways, there are still differences present between the two while they provide images to their viewers. What comprise a plasma technology are many pixel cells which permits electric pulses, that is, the stemming from electrodes. These pulses stimulate uncommon natural gases such as xenon and neon which causes the same to glow and provide light. The said light elucidates the appropriate balance of red, blue, or green phosphors and the latter are helps in exhibiting the appropriate color sequence originating from the light. Now you know how plasma TV really works.
Each and every flat-panel LCD screens can be found in the hub of the projector. In the same technological background, it is where LCD displays originate. Between two glass sheets, there are liquid-crystal-filled cells which are supplied with voltage by thin-film transistors (TFT) matrix. Once an electrical charge strikes the same, there will be the untwisting of the crystals up to a precise degree in order for it to sift white light coming from a lamp located behind the screen. This is intended for the television's flat panels and for projection via a small LCD chip.
Lesser power is required by LCD TVs in order for it to operate as compared to its plasma counterpart. This is because what is being used by the said television in order for it to exhibit images is florescent backlighting.
It can't be denied that LCD TVs are more expensive than Plasma TVs. Even cheap LCD TVs cannot compare to the cheap price of plasmas. This is so because the former has additional pixels and its production process requires higher costs.